Un vēl viens skaistais fanart no dot-dot-delena
Damon & Elena/Ian & Nina
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Поделиться40110.10.2011 16:13
Поделиться40325.10.2011 13:35
Skaisti un patiesi
Поделиться40504.11.2011 22:41
Whether it be sparring in the living room to make sure Elena can handle herself should she need to stake a vampire, or during a quiet conversation in the bedroom as she gently falls asleep, Elena and Damon continue to steal the show every chance they get. Sparring is never just about learning to defend herself as Damon sneaks in a few quick, teasing nuzzles; nor is a late night conversation just a conversation to catch up on the day’s events when Damon plants himself on Elena’s bed and refuses to move so that she ends up just climbing in and going to sleep while he is still there.
Each moment is a subtle breakdown of Elena’s emotional and physical barriers. Damon is not forcing himself on her, but he is forcing his way into her life. No longer content to just be at her beck-and-call, the watchful guardian, Damon is finding small ways to insinuate himself into her normal life. To make himself such an ingrained and integral part, that she will never even notice that he has slipped into her heart and perhaps one day usurped his brother’s place. Love is sneaky that way. It can hit you over the head, or it can creep up like a thief in the night. Stefan may have swept Elena off her feet and she fell head over heels in love. But Damon, he has found a more persistent way to steal Elena’s love. Just by being there, being the one she turns to for fighting lessons, being the babysitter when Stefan is out of line, or being the guy she talks to about her daily struggles.Once upon a time, Elena would have quivered with rage and indignation that Damon had invaded her privacy and her bedroom, let alone had the audacity to lie on her bed, refusing to move. But, by now, Elena’s resistance has weakened. She has lost Stefan and most of her family. Damon is the one constant. She needs him and, whether she admits it or not, she loves him on some level. So watching their lives become more and more intertwined and rooted in normalcy, the bonds between them are growing. For those of us watching, it is intoxicating. It is like drinking from the forbidden fruit. One sip is ever so delectable, but you can’t just stop with one. Now Elena’s defenses are now so low that she does not view Damon as a threat, she can practically fall asleep in his arms. That kind of trust and intimacy is seductive. Damon may already be in love with Elena, but seeing her fall slowly in love with him, is breath-taking. Step by step, slowly falling. Just beautiful.
Avots: - TV Watchtower
Skaisti un Perfekti
Поделиться40606.11.2011 03:43
Kur vēl lielāku līdzību atrast?
http://peciitis.tumblr.com/post/1239663 … milarities
Поделиться40706.11.2011 13:40
Ehhh, skaisti
Поделиться40814.11.2011 12:05
Skaists video
Поделиться40918.11.2011 12:11
Sēdēju un domāju, ko man atgādina DXeimona un Katrīnas attiecības... Deimons + Katrīna = Rets + Skārleta (Vējiem līdzi)...
Visu laiku Skārleta bija pārliecināta, ka mīl to bērnības draugu... bet tikai tad, kad bija par vēlu saprata, kā tomēr visu laiku sevi ir maldinājusi... :o Līdzība gan ir mazajās lietās, jo Skārleta ar visu laiku paļāvās uz Retu, plus viņai viņš šķita ļoti pievilcīgs tieši kā vīrietis... Ketrīna ar visu laiku apgalvo un domā, ka mīl tieši Stefanu, bet visu laiku nez kāpēc lien Deimonam virsū... :o
Поделиться41002.12.2011 21:54
wow, kas pa manipu
Поделиться41103.12.2011 22:26
Awwwwww, nu šis ir jāredz
Поделиться41203.12.2011 22:33
Awwwwww, nu šis ir jāredz
Tiešām ļoti skaists..
Поделиться41315.12.2011 17:35
Šis ir kkas mežonīgi skaists un aizkustinošs - man asariņa joprojām aizķērusēs acu kaktiņā
Поделиться41517.12.2011 17:34
Поделиться41617.12.2011 18:34
Perfekts.. man ļoti šis klips patika..
Поделиться41718.12.2011 00:02
Oh wow, mēs ar mammu pēdējos trīs vakarus aktīvi skatamies TVD. Šovakar nomaratonējām 7 sērijas, līdz pat 1x14
Tas ir neticami, cik daudz jaunu sīkumu var pamanīt otrreiz visam ejot pāri, neko neizlaižot. Piem šai pašā 1x14 sērijā, kā Deimons izlikās, ka viņam Eleina vienaldzīga, bet tiklīdz Anna pieminēja, ka nogalinās Eleinu, ja Deimons nepalīdzēs, tā viņš uzreiz piekrita. Un vēl arī ejot iekšā kapenēs - Deimonam Eleinu vajadzēja ņemt līdzi kā leverage, bet normāli, ja tev vajag leverage tu iesi AIZ sava leverage. Deimons kapenēs devās pirmais, UZTICĒDAMIES Eleinai, ka viņa viņam sekos, lai gan viņa mierīgi varēja palikt ārpusē, kaut vai pilnā rīklē kliegt pēc Stefana, ja nu kas, bet viņa to nedarīja, viņa sekoja Deimonam. AKKKK, Delena otrreiz skatoties man šķiet vēl skaistāka. Deimons vēl superīgāks un sīkās detaļiņas kalpo kā vēl lielāki rādītāji, kuram tad vajadzētu būt seriāla galvenajam pārim
Поделиться41818.12.2011 13:08
Sīkumi parasti ir visnozīmīgākais..
Поделиться42019.12.2011 14:38
Nezinu kapē, bet šāda kombinācija man šķiet ļoti skaista
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