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7. sezona

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7. sezonas promo pa tiešo no Komikona  :crazy: … -7-trailer



Taisni taisījos ielikt.
Bāc es jau nu nevaru sagaidīt to 23.septembri. Tās ir mokas man. :D



THR: Season 7, Sam faces a foe unlike anything before. What can you tease?
Padalecki: I’ve seen the episode that Jensen Ackles is directing, which is the first one we’re shooting and I’ve seen the season opener. We have to go big or go home and Supernatural has a tendency to go big and badder and this season the foe will be bigger than Armageddon, bigger than the apocalypse, bigger than Lucifer and bigger than God. Although I don’t know what that could possibly be, but I’m looking forward to finding out. If it could be Boba Fett, I’m quitting the role of Sam and playing Boba Fett! (Laughs.)

Pilna intervija: šeit

Kas nevarētu būt tas big bad evil. Nu ja tas ir lielāks par Dievu utt. es nezinu, bet man neliekas, ka visu sezonu big bad evil nebūs Cas, jo 6.sezonas vēl viens tāds nopietns punkts bija arī Alfa es domāju, ka varētu būt saistība ar to.

Отредактировано Inetux (28.07.2011 21:44)



New Spoilery Sera Gamble Interview - Comic Con Special TV Guide Edition

Are we finished with the arc about Sam's memories of Hell?

No.   Sam herocially got it together to help his brother in the finale.  He spent a lot of credit just to be vertical in that final scene (when he tried to rescue Dean from Castiel).  He'll pay a really big price for that in the beginning of season 7. 

Now that Misha Collins is no longer a series regular, how much will we see Castiel? 

I can't say exactly how much he'll be around without giving away a lot.  We will see him in more than just the first episode.  There's never been a character we've loved as much as Castiel or an actor loved as much as Misha.  With the exception of Jared and Jensen, Supernatural has a long history of weaving characters in and out of the story. 

What does that mean for Castiel's story line? 

I can't give away too much about it, but I can say that we plan to pick up very, very soon after where we left off and explain exactly what the transformation was for Cas, what he plans to do with the angels in Heaven and to Sam, Dean and Bobby, and to Crowley.  The whole nine yards.

That doesn't sound good.

What we're saying is that Cas is not evil.  He's transformed.  That might not be good, but that's not mustache-twirling evil either.

Balthazar and Crowley have added great wit to the show.  Is Balthazar truly dead?  Will Crowley be back? 

Cas really stabbed Balthazar with an angel knife, so he really killed him.  But this is Supernatural.  We often find ways to explore characters again in the future, and we really like Balthazar.  And yeah, we will see Crowley again.   

Will goings-on in Heaven be a plot line this season?

We did the Apocalypse [in season 5], then we did the post-Apocalyptic civil war [in season 6].  Those were huge celestial stories.  We’re interested in what happens on Earth in Season 7. 

Will Sam and Dean be on the run a lot?

They will be.  We have new creatures in story for the boys.  We'll bring back some favorites and bring in some new ones.  There's an earth full of monsters and demons and evil spirits.  There's always another bad thing for Sam and Dean to kill. 

Like what?

Good old-gashioned monsters that eat people.  I was just pitched a story with a new creature that does nasty things to people.  We'll also have ghosts and a story with psychics and mediums.

Now that Dean has wiped the memories of ex-girlfriend Lisa and her son Ben - who had given him his once chance at living in a normal family situation - does that kill all chances for the boys to find true love and happiness?

It wasn't what I call a high point for Dean.  I don't think it's a statement about the rest of their lives necessarily, but it certainly is a statement about where they are today.

You’ve killed off or at best exiled anyone that the Winchesters have cared about, other than Bobby.  The show’s been pretty depressing lately.  Any chance for some fun and happiness next season?

There’s always been measure of darkness in the show.  This season, there is a fun story line that’s emerging.  There’s almost a tongue-in-cheek satirical quality to some of the story lines and mythology.  We definitely felt that after all the twists and turns of Season 6, we wanted to have some fun.  We’re all emo, but we’re ready for that. 

Does that mean some fresh blood or favorite faces from the past?

You will see some faces from the past - alive or dead.  We also have some new recurring characters in mind. 

Any women?

Some of them are not gender-determined, actually.  [Laughs].  I guess that tell you that they are not love interests. 

Will Sam and Dean’s half-brother Adam return?  He seems to have been left languishing in Hell. 

We have a couple of ideas.  People ask me about him all the time and I promise that we haven’t forgotten about him. 

And finally, what's the prognosis for the wrecked Impala?

Well, the last time we saw it, it was upside down!  But it would have to be in a million pieces not to have Dean put it back together again!

Avots: The Winchester Family Business

Отредактировано Inetux (23.07.2011 12:22)



No Komikkona Supernatural paneļa live tvītiem:

Свернутый текст

Talking with Jim Beaver. He and Jared both said there will be a new big bad this season and will emerge in ep 2.

#SPN Fans: Press room spoilers: 1.) Crowley will make appearence early on in S7. 2.) Cas will do A LOT of smiting! (TBC) #SDCC #Supernatural

Oops, S7. Getting ahead of myself! Young Sam is going to be back in #Supernatural S7. Sam is going to have major issues with Castiel #spncc

They are going to introduce a new character, a friend of Bobby's, that's a conspiracy theorist.

Sera also said that Sam's gonna suffer a major break in his psyche and it's going to bring a lot of problems that can't be fixed.

Talking to Sera Gamble. Dean is going to do a lot of soul searching this season. He'll be questioning why he does this.

"The end of #Supernatural S7 will depend if we get the pick up for S8" Sera Gamble at #ComicCon #Supernatural #SDCC #WBSDCC

Talking with Ben Edlund. He says Sam and Dean are really gonna be challenged as hunters this season. It will be tough.

“I haven’t forgotten about Adam. We haven’t decided his fate yet, but we haven’t forgotten about him.” — Sera Gamble#Supernatural #SDCC

We will be seeing him for more than one episode.”— (about Castiel) Sera Gamble #Supernatural #SDCC

“I don’t want to give it away, but you will all be shocked on what happens with Crowley.”— Ben Edlund #Supernatural #SDCC”

“Dean is going to have a lot on his plate; Not only will he have to deal with his brother and his memories of Hell, but he’s going to have to deal with Castiel, too.”
— Ben Edlund#Supernatural #SDCC”

Sera Gamble says that Chuck will not be appearing in the early part of the season, and they have no plans for him #Supernatural #SPN #SDCC

Отредактировано Inetux (24.07.2011 22:38)



Jim Beaver Interview - Comic Con 2011 Press Room

(Alice) Are you still feeling pretty secure that Bobby is going to live through all this?

Oh, I feel pretty secure about Bobby.  On the one hand, it’s “Supernatural.”  They could hammer Bobby’s brains out with a club and he’d probably be back a few episodes later.  I hope they don’t do that but, cause I’m not really a betting man.  Yeah, at this point it feels like that Bobby’s around for the long run. 

Anywhere you’d like Bobby to end up, romantically or otherwise?

That’s pretty much what we all want, isn’t it?  I think all of the characters on the show want to reach a point that they can just live lives of peace and have a real life, instead of always wondering if something is going to take over your brain or eat your face.  Whether there’s romance in Bobby’s life I don’t know.  They haven’t done much to hint about it so I don’t have any strong clues but I wouldn’t be adverse to it.  Romance is nice I hear. 

(Alice) Do you know how many episodes you’re going to be in this season?

I don’t.  I never know how many I’m going to be in.  I know I’m in the first three.  I don’t have any solid, written in stone information after that.  Bobby’s been in more episodes each season than the season before so I presume that at the very least I’ll be around as many as before.  There are no guarantees. 

What about Sheriff Rhodes coming back for a episode?

Sheriff...wait a minute, Sheriff Mills, played by Kim Rhodes.  I make the same mistake the other day.  I should remember because I played Sheriff Mills on “Harper’s Island.”  Kim Rhodes is coming back as Sheriff Mills, but not the one I played on “Harper’s Island.”  She‘s coming back for an episode maybe two.  I’m not certain about the second. The new big bad this season is really going to show it’s face in the second episode.  Sort of by coincidence Sheriff Mills is going to get caught up in that and I think she’s going to rely on Bobby a bit to help her out of the situation.  What happens after that I don’t know because I haven’t read a script past that.  But I think she’s going to be around somewhat. 

There are things I do know that I can’t talk about that made me but a big “maybe” on that.   There’s going to be some interesting infrastructure and geographical shifts in the show.  So a lot of things that Sam and Dean and Bobby have counted on, a lot of things that the audience have counted on, are going to get reshuffled.  I’m running out of synonyms for “reshuffled.” 

Is it possible the that Cas as God will have something to do with the reshuffling? 

I would say indirectly.  A lot of what the guys have counted on in the past isn’t going to work the same way.  They’re gonna have a lot of figuring out something new that does work.  And I don’t know how the writers are going to do it.

In the western episode Bobby makes a reference to “Deadwood.”  Was that scripted?

That was scripted. 

Was it a nod to you?

Yeah, I think so.  And a bit of a shout to the fact that I didn’t get to go back to the old West.  Still steaming about that one.  There were a couple of low key references to my past in that episode.  That one was definitely scripted.  A couple episodes later there was a demon version of Bobby, his name was Ellsworth, who was my character on “Deadwood.”  They’re not stumbling over this stuff.  They’re making it happen.  There was a reference to “Star Trek” in the western episode and originally it didn’t have anything to do my past.  I think I said something like “I only watch The Next Generation.”    Because my wife had been on “Deep Space Nine” and I asked them to change it to that so that made it a little personal but the “Deadwood” one was purely the writers.  I saw it and went, “That’s cool.”

(Alice)  How is Bobby’s relationship going to change with Castiel?  Since they were friends.

What’s happening with Castiel I think is so different than what the audience may expect.       It’s kind of hard for me to talk about how...You know I think...I can’t...The question about how long Bobby’s going be around, if I answered this question I can tell you how long he’ll be around.  About another ten minutes. 

Is the episode of Breaking Bad you’re on coming up?

Tonight!  I gotta get home. 

With that we were done with Jim.  Misha sat down, gave us a cordial greeting, and was rushed off to the panel.  That ended this year’s “Supernatural” press session.  It should be noted that in this press session there where 3 more camera crews and one more press table than before.  Each year that press room gets bigger and bigger.  It’s pretty exciting to see, although disappointing for those of us that have gotten used to having a turn with everyone.  I’m still happy with what I got though and as usual, the next season can’t get here fast enough.

Avots: Šeit



Traileris :( I feel so sad after this :(







Отредактировано Inetux (21.08.2011 20:54)



Kas ir ar tiem sēriju nosaukumiem?

7x01: Meet the New Boss
7x02: Hello, Cruel World
7x03: The Girl Next Door
7x04: Defending Your Life
7x05: Shut Up, Dr. Phil
7x06: Slash Fiction
7x07: All in the Family
7x08: The Mentalists
7x09: Time for a Wedding







CW publiskojis S7 aprakstu :

Свернутый текст

But even Castiel doesn't truly understand the magnitude of what's inside him -- or how dangerous he really is.

Season seven finds Dean and Sam reeling from the loss of their friend. Sam's violent memories of Hell threaten to overtake him, threatening not just his life, but his brother's as well. Meanwhile, Dean struggles under the weight of a secret that threatens to tear them apart. And even as the brothers traverse the backroads of America, hunting things that go bump in the night, something is coming for them. They are about to face an enemy more canny and adaptable than any they've ever fought. As the landscape around them becomes increasingly treacherous, the tools they've come to rely upon will be stripped away. Our heroes, like so many outlaws before them, will find themselves utterly outmatched and outgunned, with no one to rely on but each other.

Izskatās, ka es šīs sezona slaikā daudz raudāšu :(



Man tik iekrita acīs, ka 6. sērijas nosaukums ir Slash fiction  :rofl:



Es noskatījos visas sezonas tā ka tagad kopā ar jums varu gaidīt 23. septembri!!
Ļoti interesanti kā viss izvērtīsies..negribas, lai brāļiem nākas cīnīties pret Cass..lai gan no otras puses šajā seriālā visu laiku ir jāmeklē līdzsvars starp cīnīšanos kopā un cīnīšanos vienam pret otru..tā ka tomēr intriģējoši, kā attīstīsies tālāk visu viņu attiecības paralēli visam, kas tagad notiks.. Un jāa..tomēr jau sen bija aizdomas, ka Cass kļūs par Dievu vai kko tml. - bet es īstenībā biju cerējusi, ka tas nenotiks.



Wooo, aNgeL, ku superīgi, ka arī tu mums pievienosies SPN diskusijās



Oho aNgeL, malacis, un tu vēl teici, ka diez vai pagūsi līdz 23šajam :D

aNgeL написал(а):

negribas, lai brāļiem nākas cīnīties pret Cass

Jā, man arī :( Tā kā Cas un Dīns ir mani mīļākie tēli, es viņus vienkārši abažaju, un vēl tās ainas no pēdējām episodēm :( Ahh un trakākais, ka pirmajās divās epizodēs mēs redzēsim Casu, tālāk izskatās, ka ne', bet nu neko nevar zināt, moš stāsts par viņu tiks atstāts uz sezonas otro daļu, pats galvenais, lai viņu nenovāc :( Bet no Seras jau var visu sagaidīt :( Nu nepatīk man viņa, Edlunds ir daudz labāks writers.



TV Guide Photoshoot



:love:  :love:  :love: Foršie



Es esmu šokā, cik 3. sērijai zemi reitingi bija  o.O



Esmu šokā par to arī, bet nu skatīsimies, kā būs nākamjai, jo šonedēļ bija arī cons, bet kopumā re kur tagad parādās, cik Cas/Misha ir nozīmīgs fandomam, jo liela daļa Casa fani pateica, ka neskatīsies, tik ilgi kamēr viņš būs atpakaļ. Žēl, tas ļoti apdraud iespēju tik pie 8.sezonas, un ņemot vērā, ka Miša vakar conā pateica, ka viņš nebūs vismaz nākamās 10 episodes.




Свернутый текст

Nothing is more disheartening to a fan than the death of a longtime character. For Supernatural fans, the death of Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) was a blow. But as many people have pointed out, it ultimately lacked the finality of, say, the death of the boys’ father — whose body was ceremoniously burned after death, signaling an unlikely return. And showrunner Sera Gamble indicates that there may very well be some sort of life after death for Bobby.

“In a matter of speaking, that was sort of like a cliffhanger or a question coming out of episode 10,” Gamble says. “That was the offer put to him by the reaper. ‘Come with me and be done, or stay here and be a ghost and face the consequences.’ So one of the questions we are left with is, ‘Did Bobby move on or didn’t he?’ The great thing about the show is none of these options preclude seeing Jim Beaver again at some point down the line. We can always flash back to an earlier time in their lives, we can send them to Heaven at some point, or we can say that he made the morally ambiguous decision and became a ghost and we can explore those consequences.”

While Beaver has already booked an upcoming multi-episode arc on Justified — hinting that we might not see him on Supernatural for a while — an insider tells me reports of his indefinite goodbye are “misleading.”

But for the time being, Gamble added, ” We really want to play with expectations for a while and explore what’s going on with Sam and Dean in their grieving process, [complete with] emotional fallout. But they must be wondering the same thing we are: ‘Did he move on? Is he still with us?’ I think grieving for them is not that much different than grieving for the fans.”

Avots: Šeit


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