WOW un šitas ir dievīgs
7. sezona
Сообщений 41 страница 52 из 52
Поделиться4121.01.2012 13:28
Поделиться4205.04.2012 21:07
There is a change afoot at the helm of the CW’s veteran drama series Supernatural. Sera Gamble, who has been with the show since the beginning, serving as co-showrunner alongside Robert Singer for the past two seasons, will be stepping down. Word is that she opted not to renew her contract to focus on development. Jeremy Carver, executive producer/co-showrunner of Syfy’s Being Human, is joining Supernatural as an executive producer and will co-run the series with Singer next season. The CW has not made any formal renewal decisions yet but Supernatural is one of the network’s stronger ratings performers and is fully expected to return in the fall. This marks Carver’s return to Supernatural where he served as a co-producer during the 2009-10 season before leaving to co-run with his wife Anna Fricke Syfy’s Being Human, which the two wrote together based on the British show. UTA-repped Carver will keep his executive producer credit on Being Human, which will now be run solo by Fricke, making them a rare couple of writer-producers showrunning two series at the same time. Supernatural creator Eric Kripke, who stepped down as the day-to-day showrunner after the show’s sixth season in 2010 when Gamble and Singer took over, remains an executive consultant.
Avots: šeit
Поделиться4325.05.2012 16:56
ok this is the day! I'm ready to do this!
Un tā kāds pusstundas laikā sāksies mans garaiš ceļs kopā ar supernatural 7. sezonu!
Поделиться4425.05.2012 18:40
My thoughts are with you Es ar labprāt sāktu skatīties no jauna, bet man jāmācās ekšiem
Поделиться4525.05.2012 21:49
My thoughts are with you Es ar labprāt sāktu skatīties no jauna, bet man jāmācās ekšiem
nice! tev tagad vidusskolas ekši?
tagad esu tikusi līdz 6 sērijai un jā man patīk Deans, I have missed him so much!
tagad kāda pauzīte bij jāietur, ēst jāsagatavo un tad turpināšu! cerams sanāks visu šonakt noskatīties!
Поделиться4628.05.2012 19:28
I did it! Man tas prasīja 3 vakarus/naktis, jo visi man kaut kāda iemelsa pēc traucēja, bet es to izdarīju un tagad zinot ar ko beidzās sezona man radās vairāk jautāumi un liela vēlme noskaidrot kas notiks tālāk.
Поделиться4728.05.2012 22:13
All that matter is that...
Semijs palika viens un Dīns ar Casu ir Purgatorija, un tā k;ā vairs Sera nav pie stūres, bet Džeremijs Kārvels ir showunners, tad nākamā sezona būs EPIC <3
Поделиться4828.05.2012 22:36
I hope so!
Es beigas skatoties paliku sēdus un domāju What is Happening?
Поделиться4928.05.2012 22:40
Es biju salasījusies spoilerus, un biju gandrīz vai pārliecināta, ka tieši viņi abu tur nonāks. Un vēl tas fanu nepatikas vilnis par to, ka ķipa Kass viņu vienu atstāja. Manuprāt, tas bija skaidri saprotams, ka tā bija aina, kur vajadzēja parādīt, ka brāļi ir šķirti.
Поделиться5028.05.2012 22:40
Un mana Destiel shipper heart loved ending
Поделиться5128.05.2012 22:54
Un mana Destiel shipper heart loved ending
nu man viss patiktu, ja
Cas nepazustu
Поделиться5208.06.2012 22:08
DVD iznāk 18 septembrī. Lūk covers.
Es jau neteikšu, ka Dīna photo it no 7.sezonas photoshoot, bet Sema - no 6. sezonas.
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