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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Merlin » 3. sezona

3. sezona

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Šeit var apspriest visu, kas attiecas uz 3. sezonu, tās gaidīšanu ;) Sākums - 2010. gada 11. septembris.

1. sērijas "The Tears of Uther Pendragon - Part 1" (11.09) anotācija:

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It has been a year since Lady Morgana disappeared and no trace of her has been found, as the fantasy drama starring Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Anthony Head and Richard Wilson returns for a new series. Just as it seems all hope is lost, Merlin and Arthur pick up a trail. Set upon by bandits it seems they may perish but Merlin's secret magic saves the day. As the dust settles, a mysterious, bruised and bloodied figure approaches the group: it's Lady Morgana. Camelot rejoices at her return but Merlin is worried that Morgana will remember the circumstances of their last meeting and tell King Uther that he tried to kill her. The King will not understand that he did it to save Camelot from Morgana's half-sister, sorceress Morgause's deadly enchantment; Merlin would be executed on the spot. Morgana promises Merlin that she has learnt the error of her ways and repents for the evil things she has done. Morgause no longer has any hold over her and Morgana forgives Merlin and promises to keep his secret. Uther and Morgana enjoy a tearful reunion. The King is delighted that his ward has returned and immediately announces a banquet in her honour. But is there more to her return than meets the eye? That night, Morgana slips out of the castle and journeys to a cave guarded by mysterious warriors. It seems that she has been playing a game. Far from renouncing magic she has spent the last year at Morgause's side. Morgana is no longer Camelot's daughter but a servant of the Old Religion. Using a handkerchief stained with Uther's grateful tears, Morgause concocts a spell to bring the tyrant King to his knees. As the evil magic begins to take hold of Uther's mind, Camelot is cast into great peril. Morgause is rousing Uther's mortal enemy, King Cenred, to invade the Kingdom, while Uther, plagued by hallucinations from his past, is incapable of mounting a defence of the realm. As Gaius urges Arthur to take command, Merlin begins to suspect that Morgana's repentance is not all it seems. He soon discovers he was right but the evil sisters are too quick for him. He is captured, bound with magic and left to the mercy of the scorpion-like enchanted serkets. As Cenred's army amasses on the border and Merlin's life hangs in the balance, the young sorcerer summons the Great Dragon, his last and only hope. Can the Dragon and the Dragonlord save Camelot from certain doom?

2. sērijas "The Tears of Uther Pendragon - Part 2" (18.09) anotācija:

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With Merlin gravely ill from the Serket's poison, Morgana and Morgause continue with their evil plan. They have mentally incapacitated Uther and convinced his enemy, Cenred, to invade Camelot. The fate of the kingdom now rests on Arthur's shoulders. The Prince and his Knights resist the invaders, but Cenred's soldiers are not the only threat they face. Can Merlin stop Morgana in time to save Arthur from the enemy within?



Pagaidām zināmie spoileri par 3. sezonu:

* a year has passed, Morgana's been missing for this year and Uther's going slightly mad over the loss of his beloved ward
* Arthur and Merlin will ride out to search for Morgana
* Merlin's S3 character developement: more powers, release of the dragon had an impact on Merlin
* Morgause and Lancelot'll be back
* they play with the idea of the Crystal Cave
* more knights of the round table to be introduced
* The Lady of the Lake'll come back
* legend of Excalibur comes back
* Georgia King and Miriam Margolyes finally confirmed as female guest stars
* Mark Williams (Mr. Weasley/Harry Potter films) as a goblin in episode 2! :D
* unexpected twists at the end of series 3, clear ideas for the story arcs of series 4 and 5 (4 & 5 are NOT confirmed, though!)
* Magical reveal may never happen as it's an essential part of the show (think Superman)
* Arthur/Merlin = odd couple/dysfunctional relationship, it's a lot fun to play with Arthur's obliviousness



Nevaru sagaidīt 3.sezonu!



Paldies par info! izklausās interesanti! tā jau likās, ka Lady of the lake atgriezīsies, jo to teica pirms savas nāves..ak un Excaliburs  :love:  Tiešām interesanti kas tur īsti ar Morganu būs.. Un vispār viss interesanti :D



Vēl nedaudz spoilerīšu:

Anyone expecting Arthur to rumble Merlin’s secret in season three of the BBC’s smash hit fantasy series is going to have to wait a little longer, show producer Johnny Capps reveals to SFX in an exclusive interview in SFX198: “Series 25 million, perhaps!,” he jokes.

“I think that part of the format of the show is that Merlin keeps his magic a secret, just as Superman keeps his identity secret – and I think Arthur not knowing about it is the heart of the show. Presumably at some point Arthur would find out, but I think that would be very late on.”

Capps does, however, reveal some exciting info about the new season, including how it all kicks off with a two-part story.  A year has passed in Camelot since Morgana went AWOL in the season two finale, and her absence hasn’t gone unnoticed. “Within the first five minutes you catch up as to where our characters have been,” says Capps. “Camelot has been very focused on the search for Morgana, and Uther has been very concerned about where his ward is. Many search parties have been sent out and many soldiers have died looking for her. But when she comes back it’s very intriguing as to where her allegiances lie and what’s happened to her. She’s been on quite a journey.”

Other titbits he reveals in the article in SFX198 include:

    * Emilia Fox will be returning as Morgana’s half sister Morgause
    * We’ll find out more about Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake
    * Round Table Knight Sir Gawain will be putting in an appearance
    * The Fast Show and Harry Potter’s Mark Williams will play a “mischievous goblin”
    * Merlin will discover the Crystal Cave
    * The Great Dragon still has an importnat role to play, although that role is very different



cravey написал(а):

Merlin will discover the Crystal Cave

akk!! akk, izklausās tik fascinējoši  :love:

cravey написал(а):

The Great Dragon still has an importnat role to play, although that role is very different

Intrigējoši un burvīgi! man patīk šis Dragon!  :flirt:

cravey написал(а):

Anyone expecting Arthur to rumble Merlin’s secret in season three of the BBC’s smash hit fantasy series is going to have to wait a little longer

xi, xi..Tātad būs noteikti vismaz 4 sezonas :D  :love: Lai gan man izklausās, ka vēl vairāk   :flirt:

cravey написал(а):

But when she comes back it’s very intriguing as to where her allegiances lie and what’s happened to her. She’s been on quite a journey.”

Interesanti, kā viņa attieksies pret Merlinu pēc atgriešanās..



Viņi jau ir sagatavojušies nogalināt Utheru piektās sezonas vidū, tā kā prātā viņiem ir pat vairāk kā 4 sezonas. Jācer, ka tā arī būs!



etansy написал(а):

Viņi jau ir sagatavojušies nogalināt Utheru piektās sezonas vidū, tā kā prātā viņiem ir pat vairāk kā 4 sezonas. Jācer, ka tā arī būs!

Man jau bija interesanti, cik ilgi Uthers te būs un vai viņš vispār mirs šajā seriālā! Lai gan man īstenībā ļoti patīk aktieris, kurš viņu atveido! Piestāv loma! Vispār sajūta, ka visi aktieri ieauguši savās lomās Merlinā! tā sader!



aNgeL написал(а):

Intrigējoši un burvīgi! man patīk šis Dragon!  :flirt:

Man arī (un tas nav tikai tapē, ka esmu pūķa gadā dzimusi :D), un to viņa atriebību 2. sezonas beigās es ar ļoti labu sapratu. Un es viņu joprojām uztveru kā Merlina padomnieku nevis ienaidnieku ;)

etansy написал(а):

Viņi jau ir sagatavojušies nogalināt Utheru piektās sezonas vidū, tā kā prātā viņiem ir pat vairāk kā 4 sezonas. Jācer, ka tā arī būs!

Yay, bet man pagaidām patīk, ka Artūrs ir princis Artūrs, nevis karalis Artūrs, viņš vēl pagaidām nav gatavs nest to vārdu KING ARTHUR, lai gan izklausās vnk maģiski tas kopā - King Arthur  :love:
Jā, un vēl viņiem ir labāk jāattīsta Arthur/Gwen stāsts. Pagaidām tas ir riktīgā pakaļā, tā teikt  :disappointed:



cravey написал(а):

Man arī (un tas nav tikai tapē, ka esmu pūķa gadā dzimusi ), un to viņa atriebību 2. sezonas beigās es ar ļoti labu sapratu. Un es viņu joprojām uztveru kā Merlina padomnieku nevis ienaidnieku

Atriebību var saprast, tas vienalga - tur bij daudz nevainīgo! Un es viņu ar ne mirkli neesmu spējusi uztvert, kā Merlina ienaidnieku!



aNgeL написал(а):

bet vienalga - tur bij daudz nevainīgo

Yap, bet Uthers novāca visu viņa ģimeni un līdzgaitniekus, turklāt turēja ieslodzījumā ilgu laiku.



cravey написал(а):

Yap, bet Uthers novāca visu viņa ģimeni un līdzgaitniekus, turklāt turēja ieslodzījumā ilgu laiku.

Nu strīdīgs temats! un vispār visu gadsimtuu problēma - ka par vainīgo pāridarījumiem jāmaksā nevainīgajiem! Bet es tā kā spēju saprast abas puses!



Es ar nevaru sagaidīt 3. sezonu  :playful:



sigsaster написал(а):

Es ar nevaru sagaidīt 3. sezonu

Yeey!! Foršīī!! Mēs esam vairāki :D  ^^



aNgeL написал(а):

Yeey!! Foršīī!! Mēs esam vairāki :D  ^^

Moš, kad sāksies 3. sezona būsim vēl vairāk, off season jau tādi tukšāki :)



Milzonīgi daudz spoileru par 3. sezonu, īstenībā, ja izlasa, tad pretty much viss ir skaidrs, kas tur notiks, gandrīz vai katrā sērijā :D

BE WARNED!!!!!!!! … /msgs.html



Uu... Taisni var just, ka tuvojas 3. sezona!! Bet nu nelasīšu spoilerus :D nezinu, kas man ir pēdejā laikā, bet uznākusi iedvesma bez spoileriem skatīties :D



Wow - 3.sezonas treileris  :love: … &id=13



Suuupppeer!!! :love: un īpaši pēdējais teikums Dragon balsī! :love:



cravey написал(а):

Wow - 3.sezonas treileris  :love: … &id=13

Ahh super! :love:  Nevaru sagaidīt. Nāk tas laiks tuvāk un sāk palikt ar vien grūtāk un grutāk gaidīt!


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Merlin » 3. sezona