Q: We also miss Jenna, but I suppose there's no hope for that, right? :')
JP: not unless we flashback again.
Q: I'm really curious, and have heard many different answers, but how much older is Damon than Stefan?
JP: we've never said. A couple years.
Q: I imagine Stefan gonna teach Elena, but it's a little ironic or not?
JP: deliberately ironic.
Q: Any chance this ''new love'' the Damon being the daughter of Pastor Young? I'm suspicious of this.
JP: nope.
Q: I'm not spam ok? delena or stelena?
JP: both. Neither. Both.
Q: Random: Did Elena know that she was going to die when she told Damon she'd see him soon? Or was she just trying to be optimistic?
JP: she was being optimistic.
Q: Julie, whats your favorite Delena scene? Don't tell me the 2 kisses that they already have. Choose another one, plz.
JP: him lying next to her while she sleeps.
Q: can u describle elena vampire in one word?
JP: f%cked. And not in the good way.
Q: Elena will remember her talk with Damon at the beginning at the first episode?
JP: yes
Q: Damon does lots of bad stuff but does he have a line he wouldn't cross? Would he ever hurts kids?
JP: Damon's lines, when he has them, are movable and negotiable.
Q: *Is* Damon capable of falling in love with someone else?
JP: hard to say. Maybe not. Certainly not right now.
Q: I am not spam I just would like to answer my question, They will have many moments of Klaroline and Delena?
JP: yes good moments for each.
Q: who will help Elena? Damon or Stefan?
JP: both
Q: who's idea was it for Elena to leave Damon to die alone in a storage unit after the season they've had together?LMFAOO
JP: your interpretation of that is a bit too black and white for my tastes.
Q: Is it true Meredith and Damon will be closer next season?
JP: they'll have a nice buddy dynamic.
Q: Also is Damon going to teach Elena at all "how" to be a vampire help out in general?
JP: yep
Q: How angry will Damon be at Stefan for what happened?
JP: Very angry
Q: does @julieplec hate damon or something? just let him be happy thats all i want. otp = damon & happiness
JP: happiness is neither dramatic nor interesting. Pockets of happiness are glorious. That's what we give out, like candy.
Q: will caroline &stefan have an opportunity to connect more in season 4? (not necessarily romantically)
JP yes for sure. There is a friendship there just waiting to come through.
Q: When Elena remember that met Damon before Stefan this will change something for the future of Stelena and Delena?
JP: not change, but it will be meaningful to her.
Q: There will be alot of sex on season four right???
JP: god I hope so.
Q: Is Ian really naked during filming even if we can't see it all anyway? *gasp*
JP: sometimes, yes.
Q: Elena couldn't fathom that a possibility where Damon was actually going to die. They always survive. Ya know.
JP: yes
Q: For Elena journey to become a vampire is it gonna be more harder & more emotional than it was for Caroline?? Plzz Reply
JP: yes,much more so
Q: when Damon was bit and it was a real posibility he'd die. Elena had hope he'd survive. I love Elena's compassionate spirit.
JP: that compassion is about to become a big problem for her when it gets magnified.
Q: describe Stefan with a word in season 4? I need to know!
JP: driven.
Q: so Elena is a vampire!so is there any chance of her having baby?
JP: nada.
Q: Is there anything you're planning on doing differently from the books?
JP: a whole lot of things. As always, the books are just a jumping off point for us.
Q: Sorry if this q has already been covered, but will S4 pick up where the S3 finale left off? Or will there be a time jump?
JP: a few hours
Q: Do you think, then, that its a possibility it would be too much for her and she would turn it off?
JP: possibly
Q: What is your favourite Stelena scene? ( Elena and Stefan )
JP: First sex. Out on the docks at lake house. Fight scene when he's been feeding (118). Her confronting him in 307.
Q: if you have to change something on Elena's character.. What would it be?
JP: I'd make her funnier