Guess witch one is my favorite...??
hmmmmmmmm, THE VERY FIRST ONE?
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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » The Vampire Diaries » 4. sezona
Guess witch one is my favorite...??
hmmmmmmmm, THE VERY FIRST ONE?
Vampire Diaries Scoop: The Secret Circle's Phoebe Tonkin Joins the Show
ha ha.. sākumā Claire Holt, tagad arī Phoebe
aNgeL, tu tak ar pievienosies mums un skatīsies 4. sezonu, vai ne? 11.oktobrī atsākas
aNgeL, tu tak ar pievienosies mums un skatīsies 4. sezonu, vai ne? 11.oktobrī atsākas
Es tikai pirms dažām dienām lejupielādēju 3. sezonas otro pusi..
hmmmmmmmm, THE VERY FIRST ONE?
How did you know??
Es tikai pirms dažām dienām lejupielādēju 3. sezonas otro pusi..
nu vēl vesels mēnesis laika, lai noskatītos
Galvenais iesākt..tad jau aizies maratonā, kā parasti
Tieš tā Un tev vēl priekšā slavenā 19. sērija
CW katru nedēļu liek YT TVD cast mazas intervijas. Lūk līdz šim iznākušās:
Stefana jaunais mocīts' ROTFL
Džūlijas Plekas pēdējais twitter Q&A
Sarah @Bieber1DCrowd
@julieplec Is Damon gonna be bad again like Season 1? I love Damon anyway
julieplec @julieplec
@Bieber1DCrowd more bad-ass than bad...Jenny @Cook_DamonS
@julieplec unfortunately I think you don't even know what could make us "extremely happy". You need to respect Damon to understand this. SMH
julieplec @julieplec
@Cook_DamonS I do respect Damon. I also respect that he's on a journey, like everyone else.DElena's DEstiny @DamonOwnMyHeart
@julieplec I Wanna Ask Sth,Will Damon Ever Be Happy ?!Since The Show Started He's Always The One Who End Up Hurting,Will That Change On s4 ?
julieplec @julieplec
@DamonOwnMyHeart he will have very happy momentsBridget ❤ @BridgetlovesTVD
@Julieplec Is there going to be a delena scene in the first ep??
julieplec @julieplec
@BridgetlovesTVD yep. There has to be --- all her compelled memories return.Elena @InmyBloodstream
@julieplec Is it true that Klaus and Caroline will mirror the DE dance scene from S1? DE fans feel scheated because of it
julieplec @julieplec
@InmyBloodstream falseElena @InmyBloodstream
@julieplec I must say that I am sad that so many people seem to gave up on DE, because they don´t believe that they are actually a love story
julieplec @julieplec
@InmyBloodstream it's a marathon, not a sprint.Also she said that Stefan and Elena will have a conversation about Damon...
N A S✩ɐʇsıuoɯɐq @nasraDsalvatore
@julieplec Can we expect Bonnie & Damon to work out their issues this season? I triple DARE you to reply Julie.
julieplec @julieplec
@nasraDsalvatore they'll always have issues. Their mutual snark is part of the fun.julieplec @julieplec
I promise the twitter fandom this: at some point in the season you will be a)exhilaratingly happy or b)totally pissed off.
'Vampire Diaries' spoilers: Elena gets hot with Stefan, drinks Damon's blood
New "Vampire Diaries" spoilers reveal that Elena will get hot and heavy with Stefan, as well as drink Damon's blood.
Awesome new details were released on Wednesday by Zap2It on what will be happening in the first two episodes of the season. Apparently, the main love triangle is just going to get more intense when Elena (Nina Dobrev) attempts to get sexy with Stefan (Paul Wesley) and (on a separate occasion) drinks Damon's (Ian Somerhalder) blood with very good results.
It appears as if Stefan is going to introduce Elena to his infamous Bunny diet and while it seems to work at first, when the pair start to get hot and heavy with each other, things come to a sudden stop. The "sexiness" takes a gory turn when "it ends with vomit. Bloody vomit," Zap2It revealed, "So much of it. You've been warned. About all the bloody vomit."
Then, after Elena's memories about Damon come back, it doesn't take her long to warm up to him, and let herself be convinced to drink his blood. "After Stefan's bunny diet doesn't agree with her tummy," Elena finds out that Damon's red stuff "really hits the spot."
Pilnais raksts: … on-s-blood
Ja Eleina izvemsies Stelenas make out sesijas laikā, es nezināšu kur likties no smiekliem LOL Bet DE blood sharing Visp no spoileriem kā var saprast - Eleinas "sistēma" vienkārši nespēs panest zvēriņu diētu, viņai pret to būs alerģiska reakcija. Jo ir šis spoileris par vemšanu, praktiski uzreiz pēc SE zvēriņu medībām, tad DE blood sharing, no anotācijām, kur Deimons palīdz Eleinai savā veidā un lūdz viņai par to nestāstīt Stefanam, un spoileris, kur Deimons māca Eleinai kā "paēst" asinis pa tiešo no cilvēka viņu nenogalinot. Un protams arī Stefans, kuram uzkrājas tik daudz emociju, ka viņš meklē Karolīnas atbalstu (YAY, Staroline ) OMG, this is just getting more and more excited
Liku gan rakstu, gan savu atbildi spoilerī, jo tie, kas skatās bez spoileru lasīšanas, tiktu PA LIELAM saspoileroti
"The Vampire Diaries": One way or another, Elena does complete her transition in the first episode of the season. In episode 2, "The Memorial" -- which is, by the way, one of the 5 best "Vampire Diaries" episodes ever -- we'll discover that it's not as easy as she thought. Elena's body begins to reject every blood source she tries (and she tries a lot). Without nourishment, she could die. Again. Also, expect to see her first compulsion as a vampire in "The Memorial" as well.
Avots: … again.html
Hmmm, vai tas nozīmē, ka viņa spēs pārtikt tikai no vampīra asinīm, vai vēl vairāk - tikai no Deimona asinīm (tāpēc, ka viņa asinis bija tās, kas pārvērta viņu par vampīru)? Wow, ar katru dienu kļūst arvieen interesantāk. Man jau tagad galvā riņķo simts un viens jautājums
Hmmm, vai tas nozīmē, ka viņa spēs pārtikt tikai no vampīra asinīm, vai vēl vairāk - tikai no Deimona asinīm (tāpēc, ka viņa asinis bija tās, kas pārvērta viņu par vampīru)? Wow, ar katru dienu kļūst arvieen interesantāk. Man jau tagad galvā riņķo simts un viens jautājums
Interesanti zināt, kāpēc Ketrīnai nav nekādas alerģijas.. abas taču dopellgangeri ..
Interesanti zināt, kāpēc Ketrīnai nav nekādas alerģijas.. abas taču dopellgangeri ..
Tas ir tieši tas pats par ko fani diskutē. Bet pamatojums varētu būt, ka mums nav zināms viss par Ketrīnu, viņai vēl var būt daudz noslēpumu. Kā arī nav saprotams, kas tiek domāts ar "every blood source", jo pēc idejas ir tikai 3 - human blood, animal blood and vampire blood. Vai arī kā cilvēku asinis garšo dažādi, tā arī ar dzīvniekiem ir, un "every blood source" ir zvēriņu variācija, un Eleinas ķermenis atraida visus iespējamos zvēriņus, ko Stefans viņai palīdz sagādāt Juceklis palielinās ar katru nākamo spoileri
Vēl atlikušas Iana un Ninas intervijas Hmm, I wonder why exactly those two were left as the last ones
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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » The Vampire Diaries » 4. sezona