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Dejas uz ledus

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Aww, ku jauki :)



Ziņa no Kerriem

Bāc - tā viena MAY frāze man uzdzina asaras...

(Dažās vietās iekavās tur ir fanes - pārpublicētājas komenti, kuriem es ar piekrītu, tāpēc neņēmu tos nost

<< 9 January >>2011

Hi Everyone,

We thought it was about time we did a little update now that the European Championships are less than 3 weeks away. Sinead and I are so excited to compete again now that we are all fit and raring to go. Up until this season we have been relatively lucky in avoiding injury so I guess it was bound to happen at some point (;____;). To prove our fitness, and readiness to compete, we had to perform both of our competitive routines for two of the UK’s most senior Championship judges. We are delighted to report that they declared us fit and we can now make our final preparations for Bern.

This season has been a frustrating one for us as we had to withdraw from Cup of Russia and thus lose any chance of qualifying for the Grand Prix Final in Beijing (;_________; x eleventybillion). We believe it was the smart thing to do though as it gave us the proper recovery time for Sinead’s shoulder. Better to miss a couple of Grand Prix events than to risk missing the European and World championships. We have really missed competing though so it feels like Europeans can’t come round fast enough (they are so bloody optimistic about the whole thing! :3333).

As it turns out Sinead and I will be staying in Switzerland after Europeans as we have been asked to perform in ART ON ICE in Zurich and Lausanne. It's easily one of the greatest shows in the world and we are really looking forward to performing in it once again (and ofc, they get to bro with their favorite zebra). Donna Summer and Katherine Jenkins will be providing the live music this year so there will definitely be variation in the skaters' music choices.

Even though our competitive appearances have been limited this season we did have the opportunity to perform with ‘Brian Boitano and Friends’ in Sioux City, Iowa. The live music for the show was provided by the 80s powerhouse band Heart and those ladies certainly still can belt out the tunes. The show was such a blast and we still have to pinch ourselves that we get the opportunity to perform alongside such great skaters and the legend that is Brian Boitano. (D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!)

So, until Europeans it's going to be training, training, and more training, but we are enjoying it and it's all for a good cause.

This may be our last European Championships so we are aiming to make it our most memorable (dare I hope? Dare I dream that they MAY still come back one more year? :333333 #deliverusfromcraycray).

Love to you all and we hope to see as many of you in Bern as possible. If you can’t come then just scream at the TV and I’m sure we will hear you! ;-)

Kisses (well, they are said to be the two of the most "fan friendly" skaters...),

Sinead and John



:'( Nu domāju, ka viņus palūgs nākamgad ar vēl noslidot, par cik čempis ir Šeffīldā. Bet jā, skumji :( Ehh, labi, ka paliek vēl Havijs un Flo vismaz.



Fajella/Skali beidz savu slidotāju karjeru. Masimo jau sācis Detroitā strādāt kā horeografs, kamēr Federika būšot policiste un veidošot ģimeni. Masimo nopublicēja šādu ziņu facebookā

As you all might know, we've arrived to the end of this long adventure; it was an extraordinary journey, made of passion, sacrifices, good and bad moments, tears, smiles and lots of emotions; it was a journey we faced first of all as persons, and only secondarily as athletes - a travel that changed us, made us stronger and allowed us to cross our path with those of some extraordinary people that suffered and rejoiced for us and with us; people that loved us, supported us, brought us into their enthusiasm and passion, and taught us never to give up.

The main reason that had pushed us to face this one more season was the dream of crowning our competitive career with an European gold medal, and that unfortunately didn't happen - but we have no regrets because once mor ein our lives we went for it, we tried and we fought till the end.

In addition to thanking everyone, from our families to our teams (old and new), from the choreographers to the medical staff, from the Federation to the judges to all our fans, what I really wanted to tell you is that after the Short Dance at the last Europeans it was really, really difficult for us to go on. It was maybe the first time in all our career that we felt we did not have any more energy to finish the competition, and not even the famous phrase "skate for yourselves" could work anymore; well, it's exactly in that moment that you all were our real strength, we skated just for you, to thank you for being on our side for all these years, in the good and in the bad times.

As an athlete, I have always thought that we could reach immortality only with a gold medal, but now I have understood that the real immortality comes in the memories and the love of all the people that touched our lives.

Thank you to everyone... and now, we'll be ready to face a new fabulous adventure!



Kerru lapā vakar parādījās ziņa, ka Šineda ir atkal savinojusi plecu un abi nepiedalīsies pasaules čempī. Šodien, 13.marta, ziņa no majas lapas ir pazudusi. Ļoti iespejams, ka pasaules čempis vispār nebūs, iespējams tapēc.



albalonga написал(а):

Masimo jau sācis Detroitā strādāt kā horeografs, kamēr Federika būšot policiste un veidošot ģimeni.

o.O WTF?

Par Kerriem - aiiii, šausmas, neveiksmīgi Šainedai šajā sezonā ar to plecu :( TURAAAS!!!



jā. Man Fajella/Skali nekad nav patikuši, bet viņi noteica līmeni. Jocīgi, cik daudzi šājā sezonā dodas prom. Jocīgi tas, ka parasti un loģiski ļoti daudzi beidz karjeru uzreiz pēc Olimpiādes, bet daudzi šogad pēc-olipiskaja sezonā piedalās, bet tad pazūd sezonas vidū...

Par Šinedu - protams žēl bet ja godīgi, esmu diezgan pārliecināta, ka viņi beigs karjeru ar šo sezonu. Arī priekš dejam viņi vairs nav tik jauni un traumas. Turklāt viņi grib arī dzīvot savu dzīvi un ēst to ko velas un nepavadīt laiku nemitīgos treniņos, bet ticu, ka šovos viņus vel redzēsim.



cravey написал(а):


Tieši tā... :D

Bet par Kerriem gan žēl.. :O


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